Luisa García Aranguren
UI and Graphic Designer
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“Luisa was born to Spanish parents Jorge and Paloma (who also happen to be graphic designers) in Madrid, Spain. She is a UI and Graphic Designer currently based in Amsterdam.
There are 2 key moments in her career:
- Zapping where she worked for almost 3 years as an art director, focusing on creating printed and digital campaigns for very diverse clients going from Museo Guggenheim Bilbao to Madrid’s Municipality .
- TomTom, where she has been working (and continues to) for the past 5 years as a UI Designer being in charge of their website, CRM and webinar promotions.
Besides her professional facet, she spends her free time on a variety of personal projects that mainly involve any type of printing technique (and some irony and humour) and some works that mix two of her other passions: art and music.”
And that would be it, although a bit embarrasing I think I managed to make it a decent “about me (or her)” page. Get in contact for any collaboration, job, or kind message!